Monday, July 6, 2015

JSER's IPP value increased twice

Dear colleagues,
JSER's IPP value has increased in last year twice from 0.07 to 0.14. Some people think that IPP is calculated very similar like TR impact factor.
So, we can concluded that JSER has metrics for getting an impact factor. It is Thomson Reuters turn in following years.  
JSEE editor-in-chief

IPP (Impact per Publication):
IPP measures the ratio of citations in the reference year to the scholarly papers published in the 3-year citation period divided by the number of scholarly papers published in those 3 years.

The calculation is similar to JCR Impact Factor. However, when counting the citations to "documents published", only articles, reviews and conference papers are included (but not citations to other materials such as editorials). Taking into account the same types of documents in both the numerator and denominator of the equation provides a fair impact measurement of the journal and diminishes the chance of manipulation.
Unlike SJR, IPP does not consider the quality of citing journals. Unlike SNIP, IPP is not normalized for the subject field.

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