Tuesday, May 31, 2016

New citations to articles in Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation's profile

Respected colleagues,
Here is new citation of JSER article in some Swedish thesis.

[PDF] Lärares erfarenheter av arbete med läsförståelse på gymnasiesärskolans nationella program

M Ahlin
Abstract The aim of this study is to explore teachers' experience of teaching reading
comprehension at upper secondary special school national programs. To find out the
answers to the purpose and research issues a written interview via the Internet where ...
If you are interested to see Monica Reichenberg's citation click on the link above.
JSER editor-in-chief

Monday, May 30, 2016

JSER paper cited in Maced Med Electr J

Dear readers,
Another citation of JSER paper into Macedonian Medical Electronic Journal. This paper was cited
Trajkovski V. The role of article level metrics in scientific publishing. J Spec Educ Rehab. 2016; 17(1-2):5-15. http://dx.doi.org/10.19057/jser.2016.0
Spiroski M. Current Scientific Impact of Macedonian Biomedical Journals (2016) in Google Scholar Database Analysed with the Software Publish or Perish. Maced Med Electr J. 2016 May 30; 2016;50012.
You can see in the article that JSER is high with the metrics on the list of Macedonian biomedical journals. Also, I want to stress your attention that program Publish or Perish underestimated the h index of JSER and gives it value of 4, but the real h-index of JSER is 8 which you can see on #Google Scholar web site. There is some error in Publish or Perish program.
JSER editor-in-chief

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

JSER article cited into International Journal of Indian Psychology

Dear readers,
I want to share new citation of JSER article into International Journal of Indian Psychology. Our article:
Nolcheva, M., &Trajkovski, V. (2015). Exploratory study: stress, coping and support among parents of children with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, 16(3-4), 84-100.
is cited into:

S Gour, N Pandey [PDF] Coping Mechanisms and Parental Relationship in the Families of a Child with Autism Spectrum DisorderThe International Journal of Indian Psychology Volume 3, Issue 3, No. 4, 2016; DIP: 18.01.069/20160303 ISBN: 978-1-365-03420-6

JSER editor-in-chief

Sunday, May 15, 2016

New citations to articles in Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation's profile

Dear readers,
New citation in Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. This JSER article is cited there.
Trajkovski, T., & Andreevski, V. (2004). Some aspects and relations between altruism, socialization and integration in the process of humanization of the life conditions of disabled persons. Journal of Special Education & Rehabilitation, (1/2), 109-118.

S McLain, M Walus, S Chapman - Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 2016

BACKGROUND: A group of individuals continued exploration of the concepts of community engagement, inclusion, supported employment and poverty.
OBJECTIVE: The original conversation took place at the APSE 2014 National Conference. This current discussion was an open interactive dialogue in a network café style.
CONCLUSION: Society continues to transform. Through an inclusive discussion of professionals working with the ID population, a great deal of information has been yielded about where this culture is with regards to self-sufficiency.

JSER Editor-in-chief

Thursday, May 12, 2016

New citations to articles in Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation's profile

Dear readers,
Here is new citation of JSER articles into A Senior Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for graduation in the Honors Program Liberty University.

[PDF] Engaging and Inclusive Education: A Case Study

HC McLean - 2016
Abstract The goal of education is to enrich the lives of the students entering the classroom in
such a way that sees them leaving after the school year as better and more developed
students eager to continue learning. However, there has been a disconnect between ...
JSER articles which is cited is:
Spasovski, O. (2010). Principles of the inclusive education and the role of teachers and in-school professional staff. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, 11(1), 67-86.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

New citations to articles in Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation's profile

Dear readers,
Here is new citation of JSER articles.
Exploring the Relationship Between Deaf Identity Verification Processes and Self-Esteem
MJ Carter, DC Mireles - Identity, 2016
Michael J. Cartera* & Danielle C. Mirelesb
pages 102-114
Published online: 06 May 2016

Past research has found that self-esteem in deaf individuals is predicted by variables such as the age they become deaf, the type of school they attend, whether they use sign language or another mode of communication, their parents’ hearing status, and their family’s socioeconomic status. This study applies identity control theory and examines the relationship between Deaf identity verification processes and self-esteem. The results show that, when controlling for variables known to relate to self-esteem, deaf individuals’ education and the degree of difficulty they have in verifying self-meanings in social situations are the only significant predictors of variance in self-esteem. The article discusses the study findings and considers the implications for identity control theorists and Deaf studies scholars.

Friday, May 6, 2016


Julio G. MORA1
Susanne SCHWAB2

1TUM School of Education, Technische Universität
München, Munich, Germany
2Department of Education, University of Bielefeld,

Recived: 26.01.2016
Accepted: 28.02.2016
Scientific article

Citation: Gebhardt M, Mora JG, Schwab S. Physical diabillity, stigma, and physical activity in children: a replica study. J Spec Educ Rehab 2016; 17(1-2):101-117.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.19057/jser.2016.6


Introduction: Stereotypes can be reduced through positive descriptions. A stigma that able-bodied adults have towards children with physical disability can be reduced when the child is portrayed as being active. The study found out that a sporty active child, who uses a wheelchair, is perceived as more competent than the sporty active able-bodied child.
Objective: This study is a replica study to support the hypotheses and to examine the stereotypes of able-bodied adults towards children with and without (physical) disabilities.
Methods: This study presents two experimental replica studies using a 2 (physical activity) x 2 (sporty activities). The dependent variables were the perception of competencies and warmth according to Stereotype Content Model (SCM). Study 1 is an online experiment with 355 students of the Open University of Hagen. Study 2 surveys 1176 participants (from Munich and Graz) with a paper-pencil-questionnaire.
Results: The significant interaction effect was not supported by our studies.
The sporty able-bodied child was rated higher in competences than the sporty child, who use a wheelchair. Sporting activity only reduces the stigma towards children with a physical disability slightly.
Conclusion: The stigma towards children with physical disability can be reduced when the child is portrayed as being active, but the effect was not strong enough to chance the original classification by the SCM.

Keywords: physical disability, stigma, sport, stereo content model, replica study

Thursday, May 5, 2016


Ss John's University
New York, USA

Recived: 02.11.2015
Accepted: 24.01.2016
Best Practice article

Citation: Gilic L. Homework accuracy to increase the academic repertoire of young children with autism. J Spec Educ Rehab 2016; 17(1-2):66-84.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.19057/jser.2016.5


There are many forms of interventions used to increase homework completion. However, there is far less research to assess homework accuracy for young children with special needs, and even less for young children diagnosed with Autism. Homework intervention methods have been proven by researchers to be effective under certain specific circumstances. Emphasis should be placed on increasing the accuracy of homework completed prior to deciding what intervention would be more effective for a particular student struggling with homework completion. Educators should take into consideration the level of participation from the children’s home, the needs of the student, and how data would be collected and communicated for homework accuracy. Data for visual analysis would identify the homework completed correctly rather than just completed, and also identify progress over time. Researchers have demonstrated that homework completed cannot determine academic skill gained which is needed for academic success for young students with or without disabilities. Homework accuracy requires greater attention and emphasis in the early childhood research.
The need for research on young children with Autism is evident as it is the fastest growing neurobiological condition in the world. The inclusion of children with Autism in the general environment has also greatly increased. Recommendations for further research focused on homework accuracy are offered.

Keywords: homework accuracy, academic indicator, Autism, inclusion
Full Text Article




1 Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation,
University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
2 2High Medical School of Professional Studies, Сuprija,
3University of Bjeljina, Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
4Clinic of Psychiatry, Clinical Center of Serbia,
Belgrade, Serbia

Recived: 22.02.2016
Accepted: 13.03.2016
Scientific article

Citation: Djurdjevic S, Krivokapic Z, Shapic R, Vicentic S. Understanding conative regulation systems – an examination of the differences between offenders and non-offenders. J Spec Educ Rehab 2016; 17(1-2):66-84.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.19057/jser.2016.4


Introduction: Numerous studies confirmed personality traits as being important predictors of criminal behavior. The aim of this research was to determine which constellation of basic personality traits incarcerated individuals and those serving alternative sanctions differ, and which traits make the difference between the criminal and the non-criminal populations. In this research, the model of personality used is a cybernetic model of conative functioning, which assumes that conative regulation systems almost completely describe the structure of personality.
Methods: The study sample consisted of 391 male respondents (152 offenders serving prison sentence, 91 convicts sentenced to alternative penalties and 148 non-offenders).
Examined variables were: the regulator of activity (Extroversion), the regulator of organic functions (Hysteria), the regulator of defense reactions (Anxiety), the regulator of attack reactions (Aggressiveness), the system for coordination of regulatory functions (Psychoticism) and the system for integration of regulatory functions (Integration).
Results: There were significant differences in all dimensions of personality between groups, except for the framework of Extraversion. The traits that contribute to the difference between individuals serving prison sentence and offenders sentenced to alternative penalties are Integration and Aggressiveness. The traits that contribute to the difference between non-offenders and offenders serving prison sentence are Psychoticism, Integration, Aggressiveness, and Anxiety. Among offenders sentenced to alternative penalties and the general population no difference in personality traits was found.
Conclusion: Our findings may indicate the need for mandatory diagnostic psychological evaluation of persons who have committed minor offenses, to ensure the right decision is made when choosing between prison and an alternative method of punishment.

Keywords: personality traits, offenders, disorganization, disorders, rehabilitation

Full Text Article

Wednesday, May 4, 2016



1 University of Zagreb, Faculty of Education and
Rehabilitation Sciences, Department of Speech and
Language Pathology, Zagreb, Croatia
2 Clinical Hospital "Sveti Duh", Department of
Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery,
Zagreb, Croatia

Recived: 30.11.2015
Accepted: 30.01.2015
Scientific article

Citation: Cvelbar D, Bonetti A, Simunjak B. Voice quality before and after thyroidectomy. J Spec Educ Rehab 2016; 17(1-2):50-65. 


Introduction: Voice disorders are a well-known complication which is often associated with thyroid gland diseases and because voice is still the basic mean of communication it is very important to maintain its quality healthy.
Objectives: The aim of this study referred to questions whether there is a statistically significant difference between results of voice self-assessment, perceptual voice assessment and acoustic voice analysis before and after thyroidectomy and whether there are statistically significant correlations between variables of voice self-assessment, perceptual assessment and acoustic analysis before and after thyroidectomy.
Methods: This scientific research included 12 participants aged between 41 and 76. Voice self-assessment was conducted with the help of Croatian version of Voice Handicap Index (VHI). Recorded reading samples were used for perceptual assessment and later evaluated by two clinical speech and language therapists. Recorded samples of phonation were used for acoustic analysis which was conducted with the help of acoustic program Praat. All of the data was processed through descriptive statistics and nonparametric statistical methods.
Results: Results showed that there are statistically significant differences between results of voice self-assessments and results of acoustic analysis before and after thyroidectomy. Statistically significant correlations were found between variables of perceptual assessment and acoustic analysis.
Conclusion: Obtained results indicate the importance of multidimensional, preoperative and postoperative assessment. This kind of assessment allows the clinician to describe all of the voice features and provides appropriate recommendation for further rehabilitation to the patient in order to optimize voice outcomes.

Keywords: voice quality, thyroidectomy, voice self-assessment, perceptual voice assessment, acoustic voice analysis

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

JSER into top 11 special education journals on Google Scholar

Dear readers,
I want to share the list of top 11 journals in special education on Google Scholar list, where is listed ours Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. In this list are journals which consists words special education in the title of the journal.
JSER editor-in-chief

Source: Google Scholar
1.Remedial and Special Education2837
2.Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research2329
3.The Journal of Special Education2138
4.European Journal of Special Needs Education2033
5.Topics in Early Childhood Special Education1826
6.Teacher Education and Special Education1734
7.Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs1525
8.International Journal of Special Education1524
9.British Journal of Special Education1123
10.Journal of Special Education Technology1115
11.Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation47



1 City General Hospital “8 September”, Department of
Otorhinolaryngology, Division of Audiology, Skopje,
Republic of Macedonia
2 University “Ss Cyril and Methodius”, Faculty of
Philosophy, Institute of Special Education and
Rehabilitation, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

Recived: 30.11.2015
Accepted: 19.01.2016
Original article

Citation: Ristovska L, Jachova Z, Filipovski R, Atanasova N. Correlation between tympanic membrane perforation and hearing loss. J Spec Educ Rehab 2016; 17(1-2):36-49.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.19057/jser.2016.2


Introduction: Perforation of the tympanic membrane primarily results from middle ear infections, trauma or iatrogenic causes. The perforation causes conductive hearing loss by reducing the surface area available for sound transmission to the ossicular chain.
Objective: The objective was to analyze the characteristics of tympanic membrane perforations in relation to hearing loss and to determine the type and degree of hearing loss.
Materials and methods: We analyzed audiometric, otoscopic findings and medical reports of 218 patients, 114 males (52.3%) and 104 females (47.7%), aged 9 to 75 years (mean age of 47.9 years), examined during the period of November 2012 to October 2015. For statistical data analysis we used Chi-square test with level of significance p<0.05.
Results: Most of the patients had unilateral perforations (89%) with right ear predominance and involvement of two quadrants of pars tensa (37.2%). Mean air-bone gap was 23.9 dB. The largest air-bone gap was at frequency of 250 Hz. Most of the patients (73.1%) had mixed hearing loss (p=0.032), and average hearing thresholds from 21 to 40 dB.
Conclusion: Mean air-bone gap is largest at the lower frequencies, and decreases as frequency increases. Size of the perforation has effect on hearing loss. Mean air-bone gap increases with increasing size of the perforation. There is no big difference between the mean air-bone gap in posterior versus anterior perforations.

Keywords: hearing loss, perforation, tympanic membrane

Full Text Article