Saturday, April 23, 2016

Call for papers Vol.17, issue 3-4, 2016

Respected colleagues,
We want to announce you that we are preparing next number 3-4, vol. 17 of Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2016. You are kindly invited to submit an article in our Journal. The articles are bilingual (Macedonian and English). Authors abroad Macedonia can submit only in English. Please type them in Word  2003 version, or up. You should use Times New Roman font with Font size 12. The manuscript can not exceed 30.000 characters with no spaces A4 format on English including Abstract, Tables and Figures in English. The margins should be 2 cm from every side, and also paragraph should be 1.5 lines.
JSER is indexed in following data bases:

You can send the articles via our electronic system, or electronically (CD, DVD) on the following address:
Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation,
Faculty of Philosophy
Blvd. Goce Delchev 9A
1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
with subject for Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation
or you can send them by e-mail:
The dead line for sending the manuscripts is 30.05.2016.
Please send the manuscripts on time. Manuscripts which will not come on time, or authors who will not follow the instructions will not be published.

With respect

JSER editor-in-chief

Thursday, April 14, 2016

JSER's reapplication in DOAJ

Dear Vladimir Trajkovski ,

Congratulations! Your reapplication for Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation has been successful and the journal has been accepted back into DOAJ. Please go to the new journal record and review to check for accuracy. In particular, please check that the ISSN information is correct.

To increase the visibility, impact, distribution and usage* of your journal, we urge you to upload the journal's article metadata to us as soon as possible. You may do this from the Publisher Area in two ways:

3) Use our API (coming soon)

*Benefits of supplying DOAJ with metadata:

- Our statistics show more than 900 000 page views and 300 000 unique visitors a month to DOAJ from all over the world.
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The DOAJ Team

Monday, April 11, 2016

Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation in PKP Index

Dear readers,
I want to inform you that our Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation in already indexed in PKP Index. This indexing will increase the visibility of the journal. This is one more prove for our hard work.
JSER editor-in-chief

Saturday, April 9, 2016

New citations to articles in Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation's profile

Dear readers,
JSER's article by author Ranko Kovachevikj has been cited in Lithuanian journal Pedagogika.

[PDF] Vaiko teisių įgyvendinimo galimybės vaikų dienos centruose

V Gudžinskienė, R Raudeliūnaitė, R Uscila - Pedagogika, 2016
Anotacija. Straipsnyje aptariamos vaiko teisių įgyvendinimo galimybės vaikų dienos
centruose teorinės prielaidos ir atskleidžiamas dienos centrus lankančių 14–18 metų
amžiaus vaikų subjektyvus požiūris į teisių įgyvendinimą vaikų dienos centruose. Tyrimo ...

JSER editor-in-chief

Friday, April 8, 2016


Zahra Sadat NOORI
Mohammad Taghi FARVARDIN

Department of English Language Teaching, Ahvaz Branch,
Islamic Azad University,
Ahvaz, Iran

Recived: 26.10.2015
Accepted: 15.12.2015
Original article

Citation: Noori ZS, Farvardin MT. The effect of using audio-visual aids versus pictures on foreign languaga vocabulary learning of individuals with mild intellectual disability. J Spec Educ Rehab 2016; 17(1-2):16-35.


This study aimed to examine the effect of using audio-visual aids and pictures on foreign language vocabulary learning of individuals with mild intellectual disability.
Method: To this end, a comparison group quasi-experimental study was conducted along with a pre-test and a post-test. The participants were 16 individuals with mild intellectual disability living in a center for mentally disabled individuals in Dezfoul, Iran. They were all male individuals with the age range of 20 to 30. Their mother tongue was Persian, and they did not have any English background. In order to ensure that all participants were within the same IQ level, a standard IQ test, i.e. Colored Progressive Matrices test, was run. Afterwards, the participants were randomly assigned to two experimental groups; one group received the instruction through audio-visual aids, while the other group was taught through pictures. The treatment lasted for four weeks, 20 sessions on aggregate. A total number of 60 English words selected from the English package named 'The Smart Child' were taught.
After the treatment, the participants took the posttest in which the researchers randomly selected 40 words from among the 60 target words.
Results: The results of Mann-Whitney U-test indicated that using audio-visual aids was more effective than pictures in foreign language vocabulary learning of individuals with mild intellectual disability.
Conclusions: It can be concluded that the use of audio-visual aids can be more effective than pictures in foreign language vocabulary learning of individuals with mild intellectual disability.

Keywords: mild intellectual disability; second language vocabulary; audio-visual aids; pictures
Full Text Article

Thursday, April 7, 2016



Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation
Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation,
Faculty of Philosophy,
University Ss. Cyril and Methodius
Skopje, Macedonia

Recived: 21.02.2016
Accepted: 05.03.2016

Citation: Trajkovski V. The role of article level metrics in scientific publishing. J Spec Educ Rehab 2016; 17(1-2):5-15.


Emerging metrics based on article-level does not exclude traditional metrics based on citations to the journal, but complements them. Article-level metrics (ALMs) provide a wide range of metrics about the uptake of an individual journal article by the scientific community after publication. They include citations, statistics of usage, discussions in online comments and social media, social bookmarking, and recommendations.
In this editorial, the role of article level metrics in publishing scientific papers has been described. Article-Level Metrics (ALMs) are rapidly emerging as important tools to quantify how individual articles are being discussed, shared, and used. Data sources depend on the tool, but they include classic metrics indicators depending on citations, academic social networks (Mendeley, CiteULike, Delicious) and social media (Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and Youtube).
The most popular tools used to apply this new metrics are: Public Library of Science - Article-Level Metrics, Altmetric, Impactstory and Plum Analytics.
Journal Impact Factor (JIF) does not consider impact or influence beyond citations count as this count reflected only through Thomson Reuters’ Web of Science® database. JIF provides indicator related to the journal, but not related to a published paper. Thus, altmetrics now becomes an alternative metrics for performance assessment of individual scientists and their contributed scholarly publications.
Macedonian scholarly publishers have to work on implementing of article level metrics in their e-journals. It is the way to increase their visibility and impact in the world of science.

Keywords: Article level metrics, altmetrics, scientometrics, scientific publishing, social media
Full Text Article