Sunday, April 26, 2020

2 години списание ЈРТДД

Почитувани читатели,
Денес, 26 април 2020 година се навршуваат точно две години од како бев назначен за глаевн и одговорен уредник на списанието Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities. Издавач на списанието е ReAttach Therapy International Foundation од Холандија, а од поново време се вклучи и Македонското начно здружение за аутизам. Морам да признаам дека ова беше одлична валидација на моите претходни 15 годишни напори како главен и одговорен уредник на списанието Дефектолошка теорија и практика во која несебично го вложував својот труд и знаење во неговиот растеж. За овој втор роденден подготвивме интересна Прези презентација за што и благодарам на техничката секретарка Андреа Ивановска за техничката изведба на истата. Благодарност секако заслужува и веб администраторот Ѓорѓи Поп Ѓорѓиев со кого деноноќно работиме на подобрување на функционалноста на веб страницата, ажурирање на нови информации, итн. На крај бескрајна благодарност заслужуваат издвачите Паула и Фредерик Веркамп Бартоломеус кои несебично вложуваат сопствени финансиски средства во развој на ова ново електронско списание. 
Ние продолжуваме натаму со многу жар, љубов и посветеност да го градиме ова интернационално списание. Идејата е да биде што повеќе читано, цитирано и да привлечеме атрактивни автори од целиот свет. Доколку сте заинтересирани да ги видите нашите двогодишни успеси, ве молам кликнете на погорниот линк Прези презентација.
Нека ни е честит вториот роденден!

Главен и одговорен уредник на ЈРТДД

Friday, January 24, 2020

JRTDD Issue 2, Volume 2 has already been published

Dear colleagues and readers,

I would like to inform you that 2nd issue of the 2nd volume of Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities is published online (January 22nd, 2020). A total number of 6 papers are published. Next Issue 1, Vol. 3 of JRTDD for the 2020 is expected to be published until June 30th, 2020.
Accessing JRTDD Online
To view a current article which appears online, please visit this link .
You, your colleagues, and students will be able to view articles (Full-Text PDF and Online First Full-text PDF) and have unlimited access to the journal (JRTDD is an open access, international, peer reviewed and non for profit journal).

Citing Articles Using the Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

When citing articles from JRTDD, we encourage you to use article’s DOI in addition to traditional citation information. This is an industry standard, a link-resolving system that allows any link to remain “persistent” even if the location of the article changes at some point in the future. Hence, when you are quoting the link for an article, you should always quote the DOI rather than the URL of our home page.

Useful Online Features for Authors
Your registration in online submission ( will enable you with continuous information connected with JRTDD. We encourage you to share publications from JRTDD platform and online registration with your colleagues. You can feel free to share every publication on social media.

We invite you to the content of the JRTDD and we think that you will consider publishing with Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities.

Call for papers for Vol.3, Issue 1 is open until March 31st.

Suggested topics include but are not limited to
  • ReAttach Therapy,
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders,
  • Neuropsychological Research,
  • Medical Aspects of Disability,
  • Special Education Research,
  • Rehabilitation Research,
  • Social Aspects of Disability,
  • Master theses and PhD theses in the field,
  • Book Reviews in the field.
If you have any questions or you face problems with paper submission, please feel free to contact us:


JRTDD Editor-in-chief

Consanguinity and Autism

Roy, N., Ghaziuddin, M. & Mohiuddin, S. Curr Psychiatry Rep (2020) 22: 3.


Purpose of Review
Consanguinity can increase the risk for autosomal recessive conditions, along with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Rarely outside of the genetics community is this discussed. Understanding its impact on the development of ASD and increasing awareness for physicians is important.
Recent Findings
ASD is a polygenic multifactorial disorder associated with morbidity and burden of care. Studies have confirmed its heritability, suspecting to an autosomal recessive transmission. Consanguinity increases the risk for uncovering recessive disorder and its role as an independent contributor for the development of ASD should be examined.
With consanguinity being a known risk factor for autosomal recessive conditions, clinicians should routinely screen for it when evaluating for ASD, as this is inconsistently done. If suspected, genetic testing should be also recommended. Understanding current risk as well as future risk and providing families with the education to make the most informed decisions is necessary.

Keywords: Consanguinity, Autism spectrum disorder, Homozygous mapping, Genetic counseling