Friday, June 29, 2018

Declaration of Rights and Principles to Transform Scholarly Communication

Declaration of Rights and Principles to Transform Scholarly Communication
1. No copyright transfers.
2. No restrictions on preprints.
3. No waivers of OA Policy.
4. No delays to sharing.
5. No limitations on author reuse.
6. No impediments to rights reversion.
7. No curtailment of copyright exceptions.
8. No barriers to data availability.
9. No constraints on content mining.
10. No closed metadata.
11. No free labor.
12. No long-term subscriptions.
13. No permanent paywalls.
14. No double payments.
15. No hidden profits.
16. No deals without OA offsets.
17. No new paywalls for our work.

18. No non-disclosure agreements.
