Saturday, May 20, 2017

New citations to articles in Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation's profile

Dear colleagues,
I want to inform you about new citation of JSER articles. It is a selefcitation in impact factor Journal of Child and Family Studies with IF 1.802.

Examining the Psychometric Properties of the Brazilian Ages & Stages Questionnaires-Social-Emotional: Use in Public Child Daycare Centers in Brazil

CY Chen, H Xie, A Filgueiras, J Squires, L Anunciação… - Journal of Child and Family …, 2017

Abstract A mental health evaluation project was conducted in the City of Rio de Janeiro for
the entire population of young children who received services in public child daycare
centers and preschools. The Brazilian Portuguese version of the Ages & Stages.

JSER editor-in-chief

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

New citations to articles in Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation's profile

Dear readers,
Please find three new citations of JSER articles.

[PDF] Animal-Assisted Therapy on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
A Méndez Moreno - 2017
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a common, incurable neurodevelopmental disorder
impairing the individual's capacity of social communication and interaction. There is not any
pharmacological treatment available for this disorder affecting about 1% of children

[PDF] Use of parents and caregivers as accurate assessors of young children's development
J Squires - Revista chilena de pediatria, 2017
Effective early intervention/early childhood special education (EI/ECSE) and services for
children with disabilities and at risk for disabilities are highly dependent upon early
identification of potential delays and appropriate referral for young children with and at risk

[PDF] Revisão sistemática sobre avaliação psicológica nas pesquisas em equoterapia
R de Souza Zamo, CM Trentini - Revista Psicologia-Teoria e Prática, 2017
Resumo: O presente artigo teve como objetivo investigar as pesquisas empíricas em
equoterapia publicadas entre 2004 e 2014. Buscamos verificar características das
amostras, construtos psicológicos avaliados, instrumentos de avaliação utilizados e

JSER editor-in-chief