Tuesday, December 13, 2016

New citations to articles in Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation's profile

Dear readers,
Please find two new citations of JSER articles.

PDF] Helping parents to understand and support their children with autism through parent training in south east Europe: the 'ESIPP'project
D Preece, J Stošić, L Symeou, J Troshanska, K Mavrou… - 2016
Autism is a lifelong condition which can have a significant impact not only upon the
individual with autism, but also parents, siblings and the wider family. Parent training has
been shown to be an important source of social support to families, helping them adjust to

Self-Determined Learning to Motivate Struggling Learners in Reading and Writing

ML Wehmeyer, KA Shogren, J Toste, S Mahal - Intervention in School and Clinic, 2016
Abstract Promoting self-determined learning through student-directed learning strategies
has been documented to promote more positive school-related outcomes for upper
elementary grade learners with disabilities and other students who are struggling. 

JSER editor-in-chief

Sunday, December 11, 2016

JSER in CiteScore Scopus Metrics

Dear readers,

I want to introduce you the new Scopus Metrics entitled CiteScore.
In response to academia’s call for metrics that provide a broader, more transparent view of an academic journal’s1 citation impact, Scopus has developed a set of metrics that are free to access and easy to calculate.CiteScoreTM metrics are comprehensive, transparent and current and help to analyze where research is published. They reveal the citation impact of over 22,000 academic journals in 330 disciplines.
Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation CiteScore for 2015 is 0.12, SJR 2015 is 0.146, SNIP 2015 is 0.147. JSER Scopus metrics is increasing from year to year.
JSER CiteScore rank is 787/904 which is not so good, but not bad having in mind Macedonian scientific publishing.
The best five journals in the category education are:
#1 Review of Educational Research 7.24   99th percentile
#2 User Modelling and User-Adapted Interaction 6.78   99th percentile
#3 Journal of Engineering Education 6.20   99th percentile
#4 Internet and Higher Education 5.87   99th percentile
#5 Computers and Education 5.64   99th percentile

Source: Scopus

JSER editor-in-chief

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation into Microsoft Academic

Dear readers,
I want to share with you some news that Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation in indexed into prestigious database Microsoft Academic now. If you want to see how many times yours article was cited please click at the link above.
JSER editor-in-chief

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

New citations to articles in Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation's profile

Dear readers,
Here are two more citations for 2016. This JSER article was cited in Ph.D. thesis at Walden University:

Memishevikj, H. & Hodzhikj, S. (2010). The effects of equine-assisted therapy in improving the
psychosocial functioning of children with autism. Journal of Special Education &
Rehabilitation, (3/4), 57-67. Retrieved from http://eprints.jser.fon.edu.mk/89/

[PDF] Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy for Veteran Survivors With Full or Partial PTSD

MA Mayfield - 2016
Abstract Symptom severity among veteran survivors with partial or full posttraumatic stress
disorder (PTSD) continues to increase, with approximately 40% of US veterans reporting
significant symptomology 10 years after initial onset of the condition. Veteran survivors often

Trajkovski, S.(2015). Ability of self-advocacy of people with intellectual disabilities.
Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation; 16 (1-2), 134–136.

[PDF] Leadership of special students in strengthening their ability by understanding their weaknesses

MMS Rajbhandari - 2016
... Stogdill, RM 1974. Handbook of Leadership (1st ed.); New York: The free press.
Trajkovski, S. (2015). Ability of self-advocacy of people with intellectual disabilities.
Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation; 16 (1-2), 134 – 136.

JSER editor-in-chief